I have a FUN surprise for you! 🙂 Laura Fenamore author of Skinny, Fat Perfect: Love Who You See In The Mirror joined us for a FUN and educational live discussion about Body Image and weight loss. ♥
I’ve known Laura for awhile now, LOVE her book (it’s truly life and mindset-changing) and adore her as a person and a friend. You’ll really ENJOY getting to know her. 😉
Laura lost 100 pounds and has kept it off for 29 years!
Her and I often talk about eating disorders, body image issues, loving/hating yourself, emotional attachments to food, HAPPINESS, overall health and well-being, and the life changing transformations we’ve each been through… and continue to go through.
I am SO excited to introduce her to you TOO, because I know you’ll love her (and her amazing story!) as much as I do.
FREE: Watch The Interactive Replay
I’ll share just ONE thing I learned from Laura that I have kept in front of me for months now – that has really changed the way I look at things. It’s this:
If not now… when?
Simple, yet profound – and it keeps me moving in the right direction. 🙂
Check out her book on Amazon to get an idea who she is and what she’s all about, and if you have questions or thoughts you want to share, just leave a comment below. I look forward to your feedback!
Lynn Terry
p.s. Laura is hosting a Free Body Image Class you should sign up for too. 🙂
[…] in our FUN live Body Image class we were discussing common struggles in the weight loss journey, and ways to get OFF the dieting […]